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Expected Results (2012-2015)
  • prepartion method of active principles from fruits from Adoxaceae and Cornaceae family;
  • preparation methods for nanobiomaterials;
  • hybrid organic-anorganic compounds based on AuNPs/AgNPs-active principles from plants from Adoxaceae family;
  • hybrid organic-anorganic compounds based on AuNPs/AgNPs-active principles from plants from Cornaceae family;
  • hybrid organic-anorganic compounds based on AuNPs- semi synthesis compounds derived from anthocyanins;
  • dermatological products;
  • optimization of the results.
Scientific Results: 2012- present
  • 2 preparation methods of active principles from fruits from Adoxaceae and Cornaceae family;
  • 2 active principles from fruits from Adoxaceae family;
  • 2 active principles from fruits from Cornaceae family
  • 4 preparation methods of nanobiomaterials;
  • 4 hybrid organic-anorganic compounds based on AuNPs/AgNPs-active principles from plants from Adoxaceae family;
  • 4 hybrid organic-anorganic compounds based on AuNPs/AgNPs and active principles from Cornaceae family
  • two hybrid organic-anorganic compound based on AuNPs-semisynthesiz compound
  • 14 dermatological products (cremes having active principles-4 and cremes with hybrid materials-10);
  • scientific research papers presented at international and national conferences: - 19 research paper published in an international review; - 33/1 papers presented at international and national conferences - mobilities: 3 - workshop: 1 - book chapter: 3 - seminars: 2
  • 2 patents
The detailed results are listed below.


I. Phase I Short abstract pdf file II. Management: Group meeting: - 20 September 2012 - 30 october 2012 - 27 noiembrie 2012 III. Dissemination: Papers: 1. Bianca Moldovan, Luminita David, Cristian Chisbora and Claudia Cimpoiu, Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanins from European Cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) Fruit Extracts. Effects of Temperature, pH and Storage Solvent Molecules 2012, 17, 11655-11666; doi:10.3390/molecules171011655 2.Seminar: Dr. Maria Crisan (UMF) pdf file A. "The role of high frequency ultrasound in the assessment of cutaneous topical therapy efficacy" B. "Modern Therapies based on Metallic Nanoparticles-Organic Molecules Nanomaterials in Psoriasis" Certificate Attestasion Seminar-FARMABIOMED-Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche e Biomediche Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italy 3.Change of experience: Dr. Ioana Chiorean (UBB) pdf file AO.UNIV.-PROF. DR.IUR. DR.RER.NAT. KLAUS R. LIEDL Institut für Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 80-82, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria September 29 – October 6, 2012 4.International Conference "NanotechItaly" 21-23 nov. 2012 Posters (INCDTIM): A."The Non-invasive Assessment of the Efficacy of Gold Nanoparticles-Anthocyanins Nanomaterials on Cutaneous Pathology" Authors: Liliana Olenic, Adriana Vulcu, Camelia Grosan, Luminita David, Bianca Moldovan, Maria Perde-Schrepler, Adriana Gabriela Filip, Maria Crisan, Ioana Chiorean B."Modern Therapies based on Nano-biotechnology in Psoriazis" Authors: Adriana Vulcu, Liliana Olenic, Simina Dreve, Luminita David, Bianca Moldovan, Maria Perde-Schrepler, Adriana Gabriela Filip, Maria Crisan, Ioana Chiorean 5. Instruction-Cambridge UK perfectionare in Chemiluminometrie pe sistemul Biospectrum 810 la sediul Ultra-Violet Products Ltd. 21-23 octombrie 2012 Dr. Maria Perde-Schrepler


I. Phase II Short abstract pdf file II. Management: Group meeting: - 24 January 2013 - 05 June 2013 III. Dissemination 1. Papers Maria Crisan, Luminita David, Bianca Moldovan, Adriana Vulcu, Simina Dreve, Maria Perde-Schrepler, Corina Tatomir, Adriana Gabriela Filip, Pompei Bolfa, Marcela Achim, Ioana Chiorean, Irina Kacso, Liliana Olenic "New nanomaterials for the Improvement of psoriatic lesions"J.Mater.Chem.B,DOI:10.1039/C3TB20476F
L.Olenic, A. Vulcu, I. Chiorean, M. Crisan, C. Berghian-Grosan, S. Dreve, L. David, L. B. Tudoran, I. Kacso, I. Bratu, C. Neamtu and C. Voica, "Effect of Natural Extracts pH on Morphological Characteristics of Hybrid Materials Based on Gold Nanoparticles", AIP Conference Proceedings 2013, 1565, 238-242 2. National Conferences A 12-a editie a Seminarului National de Nanostiinta si Nanotehnologie, Bucuresti, 16 mai 2013 Poster (INCDTIM) "Nanomateriale pe baza de nanoparticule metalice (Au,Ag) si extracte naturale aplicate in medicina" Autori: Liliana Olenic, Adriana Vulcu, Camelia Berghian Grosan, Simina Dreve, Ioana Chiorean, Lucian-Barbu Tudoran, Maria Crisan, Luminita Muntean, Maria Perde-Schrepler si Adriana Filip 3. International Conferences A. Coloquio da Farmacia Institutul Politecnico do Porto, Escola Superior de Technologia da Saude, Spania, 19-20 aprilie 2013 pdf file: "Topical anti-inflamatory therapies based on silver and gold nanoparticles functionalised with natural products" Dr. Maria Crisan B. The 37th Congess of the International union of Physiologcal Sciences (IUPS), International Convention centre, Birmingham, UK, 21-26 July 2013 "Effect of materials based on gold and silver nanoparticles and natural compounds on carageenan-induced rat paw edem" Adriana Filip, Doina Daicoviciu, Pompei Bolfa, Simona Clichici, Adriana Muresan, Luminta David, Liliana Olenic C. 22nd EADV Congress Istanbul 2-6 Octombrie: "Antiinflamatory effect of materials based on gold and silver nanoparticles and Sambucus Nigra I. on carrageenan-induced rat paw edems" Adriana Filip, Doina Daicoviciu, Nicoleta Decea, Pompei Bolfa, Simona Clichici, Adriana Muresan, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic D. Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM Cluj-Napoca, Romania 25-27 septembrie 2013 "Hybrid Materials based on Gold Nanoparticles-Natural Extracts for Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Lesions" Liliana Olenic, Adriana Vulcu, Ioana Chiorean, Maria Crisan, Camelia Berghian Grosan, Simina Dreve, Lucian Barbu-Tudoaran, Irina Kacso, Ioan Bratu, Camelia Neamtu si Cezara Voica E. IUPAC 9th International Conference on Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-IX) & 23rd International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XXIII), Shanghai, 17-22 October, 2013 "New Biomaterials Based on Silver Nanoparticles and Polyphenols from VIBURNUM OPULUS Fruits with Potential Anticancer Activity" E. B. Moldovan, L. David, L. Olenic, A. Vulcu, M. Perde-Schepler F. "Polyphenols from SAMBUCUS NIGRA Berries as Raw Material for the Synthesis ofNEW Fynctionalised Silver Nanoparticles with Anti-Inflammatory Effect" B. Moldovan, L. David, L. Olenic, A. Vulcu, G-A. Filip 4. Patent OSIM Hibride materials based on gold nanoparticles and anthocyanins obtained from natural extracts from Adoxaceae and Cornaceae family fruits L.Olenic, A.Vulcu, A.C.Grosan, S. Dreve


I. Phase III pdf file II. Management: Group meeting: - 16 January 2014 - 6 November 2014 III. Dissemination 1. Change of experience Dr. Maria Crisan, Department of Histology/Dermatology, UMPh Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: 19.04-26.04.2014 invited to Ulm University Clinic, Germany jpg file 2. Papers L. David, B.Moldovan, A. Vulcu, L. Olenic, M.Perde-Schrepler, E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Crisan, I. Chiorean, S. Clichici G. A. Filip, "Green synthesis, characterization and anti-Inflammatory activity ofsilver nanoparticles using European black elderberry fruits extract", Colloids and Surfaces B, 2014, 122, 767-777
Bianca Moldovan and Luminita David, Influence of Temperature and Preserving Agents on the Stability of Cornelian Cherries Anthocyanins, Molecules 2014, 19, 8177-8188; doi:10.3390/molecules19068177 Alina Elena PARVU, Adriana Florinela CATOI, Sameera DEELAWAR, Darshana SARUP, Marcel PARVU, Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Allium ursinum, Not Sci Biol, 2014, 6(1):20-26, Print ISSN 2067-3205; Electronic 2067-3264. Available online at A.E. Parvu, M. Parvu L. Vlase, P. Miclea, A.C. Mot, R. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Anti-inflammatory effects of Allium Schoenoprasum L. Lea Vesjournal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2014, 65, 2, 309-315, L. David, A. Hosu, B. Moldovan, C. Cimpoiu "The evaluation and authentication of red fruits teas by high performance thin-layer chromatography fingerprinting", Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2014, 37, 1644-1653. Ioana Chirean, Statistical aspects on the usage of some dermatological creams with metallic nanoparticles, Stu. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math, 2014, 59, 1-6. 3. Conferences A. Adriana Filip, S. Clichici, L. David, L. Olenic, P. Bolfa, G. Borza, D. Olteanu, I Baldea, M. Achim, Muresan A , "In vivo studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of gold nanoparticles functionalized with natural extracts" – A XXVII - a Conferinta Nationala de Fiziologie a Societatii Romane de Fiziologie 5-7 iunie 2014. B. Maria Perde-Schrepler, Eva Fischer-Fodor, Piroska Virag, Olga Soritau, Ioana Brie, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic- "In vitro effects of noble metal nanoparticles synthesized with natural extracts", poster, Zilele Institutului Oncologic "Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta", 13-14.06.2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania C. Adriana G. Filip, Simona Clichici, Pompei Bolfa, Adriana Muresan, Ioana Baldea, Diana Olteanu, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic "Modulatory Effects of Nanostructures Based on Gold Nanoparticles and Natural Extracts in Experimental Inflammation in Rats", XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014) July 13-18, 2014 Moscow, Russia. D. Maria Perde-Schrepler, Eva Fischer-Fodor, Piroska Virag, Olga Soritau, Ioana Brie, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic- "In vitro effects of silver nanoparticles synthesized with a polyphenols rich extract from Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) fruits", poster XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014) July 13-18, 2014, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia E. Luminita C. David, Bianca E. Moldovan, Liliana Olenic, Adriana Vulcu, Maria Perde-Schrepler, "Common Dogwood Berries Extract Mediated Green Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles and Evaluation of Their Anticancer activity", XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014) July 13-18, 2014 Moscow, Russia. F. Bianca E. Moldovan, Luminita C. David, Liliana Olenic, Adriana Vulcu, Gabriela-Adriana Filip, "Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Some new Biomaterials based on Gold Nanoparticles and Polyphenols from Cornus Sanguinea L. fruits", XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014) July 13-18, 2014 Moscow, Russia. G. Liliana Olenic, Ioana Chiorean , Maria Crisan, Adriana Vulcu, Camelia Grosan, Lucian-Barbu Tudoran, Irina Kacso, Lidia Magerusan, Ioan Bratu, "Nanomaterials based on Gold/Silver Nanoparticles-Kuromarin Chloride and their Applications in Medicine", ATOM N-Constanta, 21-24 August 2014. H. Maria Perde-Schrepler, Eva Fischer-Fodor, Piroska Virag, Olga Soritau, Ioana Brie, Corina Tatomir, Florica Imre-Lucaci, Adrian Florea, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic- "Nobel metal nanoparticles synthesized with natural extracts- effects on human skin cells", prezentare orala The VI th International Conference on oxidativ stress in Dermatology and Biology, 28-31.08.2014, Andros, Greece I. Ioana Chiorean, "Statistical Aspects on the Usage of some Dermatological Creams with Metallic Nanoparticles" Third International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory Cluj-Napoca, September 17-20, 2014. 4. Patents Olenic Liliana, Vulcu Adriana, Grosan Ana Camelia si Dreve Simina, "MATERIALE NOI PE BAZA DE NANOPARTICULE DE ARGINT SI ANTOCIANI OBTINUTI DIN EXTRACTE NATURALE CU APLICATII IN MEDICINA" OSIM, A/00263, 965/01.04.2014


II. Management: Group meeting: - 27 March 2015 III. Dissemination: A. Book chapter: 1. Luminita David and Bianca Moldovan, "Fruit and pomace extracts. Biological activity, potential applications and beneficial health effects Chapter 9: Extraction, characterization and potential health benefits of bioactive compounds from selected Cornus fruits" J.P.Owen Ed., Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2015. 2. Simona Clichici and Adriana Filip, "In vivo assessment of nanomaterials' toxicity" in Nanomaterials - Toxicity and Risk Assessment, ISBN 978-953-51-2143-5 Book edited by: Prof. Marcelo L. Larramendy, La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina, 2015 3. Liliana Olenic, Maria Crisan, Adriana Vulcu, Camelia Berghian-Grosan, Diana Crisan, and Ioana Chiorean, Green Nanomaterials for Psoriatic Lesions, chapter 18, 479-505, "Nanomaterials and Regenerative Medicine", Edited by Yunfeng Lin, Tao Gong, ISBN: 978-953-56942-3-6, Published online: 01 Feb, 2016 B.Papers 1. Liliana Olenic, Ioana Chiorean, "Synthesis, characterization and application of nanomaterials based on noble metallic nanoparticles and anthocyanins" IJLRST 2015, 4(2), 16-22, Paper Id-4-29-05042015 2. Adriana Filip, Monica Potara, Adrian Florea, Ioana Baldea, Diana Olteanu, Pompei Bolfa, Simona Clichici, Luminita David, Bianca Moldovan, Liliana Olenic, Simion Astilean, Comparative evaluation by scanning confocal Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy of therapeutic effects of gold and silver nanoparticles functionalized with natural extracts in experimental acute inflammation, RSC ADVANCES, 2015, Vol. 5, Issue 83, Pages: 67435-67448 3. Bianca Moldovan, Rozalia Mintau, Luminita David, Thermal Stability of Anthocyanins from Common Dogwood (Cornus Sanguinea L.) Fruits, Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai, Chemia 1, 2015,139-146 C. International Conference 1. D.Crisan, I.Roman, L.Olenic, M.Crisan, K.Scharffetter-Kochanek, A.Sindrilaru, "Silver- nanoparticles complexed with natural extract of Cornus Mass significantly inhibit inflammation in vitro and in human psoriasis plaques", 42 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) am 6.Marz 2015, Universitat Ulm, Uni-Ost.- comunicare orala. 2. Adriana Filip, Monica Potara, Adrian Florea, Ioana Baldea, Diana Olteanu, Pompei Bolfa, Simona Clichici, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic, Simion Astilean - Comparative evaluation by confocal Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy of gold and silver nanoparticles effects in experimental inflammation, The XXVIIIth National Conference of the Romanian Society of Physiological Sciences, Constanta, 28-30 May, 2015-comunicare orala. 3. L. David, B. Moldovan, L. Olenic, A. Vulcu, A. G. Filip, "New biomaterials based on gold nanoparticles and evaluation of their anti-inflammatory properties", International Conference Sustainable Materials Science and Technology, Paris, France, 15th-17th July, 2015. 4. B. Moldovan, L. David, L. Olenic, A. Vulcu, A. G. Filip, "Antioxidant effect of new green synthesized gold nanoparticles using polyphenols from european black elderberry", International Conference Sustainable Materials Science and Technology, Paris, France, 15th-17th July, 2015. 5. Adriana Filip, Simona Clichici, Pompei Bolfa, Gabriel Borza, Nicoleta Decea, Ioana Baldea, Diana Olteanu, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic New biomaterials based on gold nanoparticles and polyphenols from Cornus Sanguinea L. fruits in experimental inflammation, Summer Academy Meeting, American Academy of Dermatology, 19-23 August, 2015, New York. 6. L. Olenic, A. Vulcu, C. Berghian Grosan, M. Filip, L. Magerusan, L. David, L. Barbu-Tudoran, "Gold nanoparticles based on semisynthesis compounds with pure anthocyanin (K) and tryptophan", PIM 23-25 Sept 2015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 7. D. Crisan, I. Roman, I. Olenic, M. Crisan, K. Scharffetter-Kochanek, A. Sindrilaru The anti-inflammatory effect of silver and gold nanoparticles complexed with polyphenolic compound of cornus mass in plaque psoriasis: in vitro and in vivo studies on human psoriasis plaques. 24th EADV Congress, Copenhagen, Dennmark, 7-11.10.2015 (e-poster) 8. Maria Perde-Schrepler, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic, Adrian Florea, Monica Potara , Eva Fischer-Fodor, Piroska Virag, Ioana Brie, In vitro effects of gold nanoparticles synthesized with Cornus mas extract, prezentat la Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Paris, 5-7.11.2015. 9. Adriana Filip, Simona Clichici, Pompei Bolfa, Nicoleta Decea, Ioana Baldea, Diana Olteanu, Ramona Suharovschi, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic, Effects of gold-based nanoparticles on experimental inflammation in Wistar rats prezentat la Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Paris, 5-7.11.2015.


II. Management: Group meeting: - 7 April 2016 - 28 October 2016 III. Dissemination: A.Papers 1. Maria Perde-Schrepler, Luminita David, Liliana Olenic, Monica Potara, Eva Fischer-Fodor, Piroska Virag, Florica Imre-Lucaci, Ioana Brie, and Adrian Florea, "Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized with a Polyphenols-Rich Extract from Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas) Fruits: Effects on Human Skin Cells", Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016, Article ID 6986370, 13 pages. 2. Moldovan B., Hosu A., David L., Cimpoiu C., "Total phenolics, anthocyanins, antioxidant and pro-oxidant activity of some red fruits teas", Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2016, 63(2), 213-219. 3. Moldovan B., Popa A., David L., "Effects of storage temperature on the total phenolic content of Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruits extracts", Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 2016, 89, 208-211. 4. Moldovan B., David L., Achim M., Clichici S., Filip G. A., "A green approach to phytomediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Sambucus nigra L. fruits extract and their antioxidant activity", Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 221, 271-278. 5. Moldovan B., Filip A., Clichici S., Suharovschi R., Bolfa P., David L., "Antioxidant Activity of Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Fruits Extracts and the In Vivo Evaluation of their Anti-inflammatory Effects", Journal of Functional Foods, 2016, 26, 77-87. B. International Conference 1. Maria Perde-Schrepler - "Silver nanoparticles synthesized with polyphenols from Cornus sanguinea extract - study of their biologic effects", CIMTEC 2016 - al 7-lea forum de materiale noi, a 5-a conferinta internationala de materiale, structuri si sisteme inteligente si multifunctionale si a 11-a conferinta de aplicatii biomedicale ale unor biomateriale si nanotehnologii noi,- comunicare orala, 5-9 iunie 2016, Perugia, Italia. 2. Conf. dr. Filip Adriana, - "Medical applications of bio-functionalized gold nanoparticles with natural extract in skin inflammatory conditions", 7th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Biology and Medicine, Andros, Greece, comunicare orala, 1-4 September 2016. 3. Filip A, Danila O, Berghian-Sevastre A, Gheban D, Baldea I, Olteanu D, Clichici S, David L, Olenic L, Orasan R, "The effects of prenatal exposure to silver nanoparticles on nitro oxidative stress, apoptosis and behavior in offspring wistar rats", The XII th National Congress of the Romanian Society of Physiology' with International Participation, SRF2016, Physiology: from observation to molecular mechanism, 26-28 Mai 2016, Craiova, Romania. 4. David L., Sincari V., Moldovan B., Olenic L., Filip A., "Anti-inflammatory effects of some new biomaterials based on silver nanoparticles and natural compounds from fruit extracts", 6th EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, Seville, Spania, 11-15 sept. 2016 5. Moldovan B., Bobaila L., David L., Olenic L., Perde-Schrepler M., "New biomaterials based on gold nanoparticles: synthesis and evaluation of their biological activity", 6th EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, Seville, Spania, 11-15 sept. 2016 C. Workshop "Perspective in medicina personalizata – de la concept la aplicatii clinice" Adriana Filip - "Aplicatii biomedicale ale nanoparticulelor de aurbiofunctionalizate cu extracte natural", la Conferinta: "Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania -Diaspora si prietenii sai" 2016, 26 aprilie, comunicare orala